Process Sections of the API Script

Use the process sections of the API script to define the API processes that you want to run in a batch.

  • Each section must have a ProcessID setting that identifies a valid API process to run.
  • The settings that are relevant for each API process depend on the process itself.
  • Cobra recognizes a maximum of 999 API processes in a single API script.

    The Process Number consists of three digits and can be from 001-999. API processes are run based on the order that they appear in the API script, and not based on the process ID. Process ID numbers are used for reference in error messages in the log files. Process IDs should be unique for each API process.

    Note: If an API process fails, processing still continues with the other API processes.
  • Exit on Error — Each process section can contain this parameter. Values can be 0 or 1.
    • 1 — Abort all processing if the API process that contains this setting results in an error
    • 0 — Continue processing even if the API process that contains this setting results in as error

      Example: ExitOnError=0